Counterfeit Parts


We do everything in our power to ensure you are purchasing legitimate GM Genuine Parts and ACDelco Parts.


Not made in accordance with GM standards, which can lead to premature part failure, system breakdowns, or even vehicle safety events.
Packaged and designed to intentionally mislead you, often duplicating known trademarks exactly or ever so slightly, in hopes that you, the consumer, won’t notice the slight differences.


Counterfeit parts cast a shadow on ACDelco’s reputation of providing of high-quality replacement parts. Counterfeit parts may not meet the same standards as the genuine parts, which can lead to mechanical problems and systems breakdowns, or even cause safety concerns. Imitation parts typically don’t last as long as legitimate GM Genuine Parts and ACDelco parts, making it necessary to replace them more frequently.


Here are tips to help identify a counterfeit part:

INSPECT THE PACKAGING – Always ask an installer if you can view the part packaging prior to installation. If it appears flimsy, lacks the name brand or logo or has a name that is similar to, but not the same as, those you’re used to seeing (such as AZDelco instead of ACDelco), it could be counterfeit. Counterfeiters often use colors, artwork, and fonts on their packaging that are similar to that of the genuine product.

COMPARE PRICES. Extremely large differences in price should make you suspicious. Keep in mind that you get what you pay for; materials that lead to long product life may not be included in counterfeit parts (such as no iridium on iridium spark plugs).

INSIST ON GENUINE PARTS. A visual inspection of the product may not be enough to distinguish genuine parts from the fakes. Always insist on GM Genuine Parts or ACDelco from GM Dealers or ACDelco Authorized Resellers.


Always buy products from a GM Dealer or an ACDelco Authorized Reseller. Look for the distinct mark on your GM Genuine Parts or ACDelco package as an indicator that you made a legitimate purchase from GM Genuine Parts or ACDelco.

AC Delco oil filter box shown in several languages
Various AC Delco car parts on table


As a global enterprise, our all-new GM Genuine Parts and ACDelco packaging represents up to eight different languages to provide inclusivity to our wide variety of international consumers. These languages include Arabic, English, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. Our packaging now includes easy-to-identify color coding and graphics, a proudly displayed OE flag on our Original Equipment parts, and a global security label that verifies that part as GM-authentic. We know that our wide portfolio of parts has a wider following, and when you need quality parts, you’re speaking our language.



GM Genuine Parts and ACDelco Original Equipment are the true OE parts installed during production and validated by General Motors for GM vehicles. These maintenance, repair, powertrain, and collision components are designed, engineered, tested to rigorous standards, and backed by General Motors.

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